# Version 2.4 Released (June 2018) Views: 2246
1 System AdminPosted: 06/27/2018 09:50 PM

This new release comes with a number of enhancements and bug fixes:

1. System upgrade and database updates have been merged. Now, both can be done as a system upgrade in Utilities > System > Upgrade.

2. The default pharmacy directory database has been updated to June 27, 2018 version. The weekly update will be done automatically by the system.

3. Staff login error message has been enhanced.


SP1 was released on July 10, 2018 to include #4 and 5 below:

4. Referral printing has been enhanced to include patient demographics and insurance information.

5. A daily schedule of patients can now be printed in Dashboard > Summary > Today's Visits.


SP2 was released on July 28, 2018 to include #6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 below:

6. The display and printing of appointments and walk-ins in Dashboard > Summary > Today's Visits can now be done by locations. 

7. New options have been added to Marital Status field in patient demographics.

8. The icon for no patient portal access in the patient header has been changed.

9. You can now edit and add appointment types to the scheduling calendar. The appointment types can be assigned by locations and with default duration times.

10. The slot height in Schedule > Appointments calendar views has been increased so that shorter appointments can be viewed more easily.