# Diagnostic Lab Management Solution Views: 3835
1 System AdminPosted: 09/17/2018 11:35 AM

Solismed can be used to manage diagnostic testing provided by non-clinic service providers (starting with Version 2.7). The workflow usually involves patient testing and then faxing the data to a specialist for interpretation/study and then faxing the test result to the ordering provider. You can use Schedule > Appointments, Walk-in > Services, Encounter > Radiology, and/or Exchange > Faxes sections to manage this workflow. Follow the steps below:

1. Go to Operations > Facility > Workstations to rename the following example workstations or use as-is.
Test Completed
Test Data Faxed
Test Results Received
Test Results Reported

2. Go to Walk-in > Plans to assign the renamed workstations to a plan. Then select and use the plan in Walk-in > Services. Note that Plan 2 is already set up to use the 4 example workstations.

3. Schedule the patient for testing (if applicable), however, do not open the encounter when the patient arrives. Instead, register the patient in Walk-in > Services to start the tracking process. 

4. Use the workstations linked from the side menu to manage the workflow. When testing is done for a patient, click open the corresponding item in the "Test Completed" grid. What you see is a regular encounter. Change the workstation status in the patient header to "Done". Then go to Radiology section to attach the test data. 

5. Click "Test Data Faxed" in the side menu if you want to fax the test data to a specialist tor interpretation or study. If the encounter is already opened (as in step 4), then the workstation name is updated to the current one. Go to Radiology Result section in the encounter and use the "Fax Test Data" button to start the faxing process. When done, change the workstation status to "Done". 

6. Check the Received section in Exchange > Faxes to see if the specialist has faxed the test result back to you. Click open the fax and link it to the patient. Then go to "Test Results Received" workstation in Walk-in > Services to attach the received fax in Radiology Result section and mark the status as "Done" in the patient header. 

7. Click "Test Results Reported" in the side menu and open the corresponding item in the grid if you want to fax the test result to the ordering provider. Go to Radiology Result section in the encounter and then use the "Fax Test Result" button to start the faxing process. When done, change the workstation status to "Done".