# COVID-19 Preparedness Views: 2134
1 System AdminPosted: 03/13/2020 11:20 AM

Solismed staff has been closely monitoring the ongoing outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and guidance as issued by government and health authorities. The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2010 as the coronavirus that causes it infiltrated countries all over the world. While our business continuity plan is always ready for this type of scenarios, we have taken additional precautionary measures to ensure that we can deliver the uptime, reliability, and support that you rely on. 

In particular, we work with our hosting provider to ensure the continuity of Solismed Hosted Solution services at a 24/7/365 level. The following measures have been taken:

- Our staff has been briefed on the importance of maintaining a clean and safe environment.
​- We have restricted business travel and use more online meetings instead.
- Non-essential staff is allowed to work from home.
- Hand sanitizer stations have been placed along with high traffic areas for use by everyone.
- Anyone showing any signs of illness will be asked to seek medical help and work from home until cleared by a medical
  professional, or until the symptoms pass.
- We will continue to review guidance from local, state, and federal government agencies and respond accordingly.

Ensuring your business is supported at all times is of the utmost importance to us, while the health and safety of our staff is a priority as well. These plans and actions will help us ensure we’re doing our best to meet both needs.