# Email Management and Tracking Views: 2642
1 System AdminPosted: 09/12/2018 09:26 AM

The main areas in Solismed that uses emails for communication include:
1. Exchange > Messages: When your support staff sends messages to your patients who have patient portal access, they will receive an email notification about the messages.

2. Schedule > Appointments > Reminders: After an appointment is scheduled, an email reminder is sent to the patient accord to the days in advance setting. Likewise, the patient will get an email reminder if the appointment is missed.

3. Patient portal login: The email is needed for the patient to gain access and log into the patient portal.

You can use your hosting service to provide the email service. An alternative is SendGrid. This provider lets you manage and track your emails. For example, you can tell if the email has been read or not. SendGrid offers a free plan. After you sign up with them, put the following information in Utilities > System > Common Settings:

SMTP Host: smtp.sendgrid.net
SMTP Username: xxx 
SMTP Password:  xxx 
SMTP Port:  587 
Security:  TLS

4. If you subscribe to our Solismed-AWS service, you can use our SendGrid account if you don't want to set up your own.